Clubs and organizations looking for something entertaining and interesting for their meetings – contact SPMH! You’ll be surprised and pleased to experience the expansive and varied story of our historic icon, Cincinnati Music Hall.
SPMH Programs

As a member of the Board of Directors, I wanted to see our Program Guides in action, outside of Music Hall. So I joined Dennis Pratte and Sue Monteith at the meeting of the North East Welcomers of Cincinnati club.
The club’s meeting this morning was held at Sycamore Presbyterian Church on Mason Road, in Fellowship Hall, an attractive room well equipped for audio-visual needs.
The N.E.W. club is a friendly and lively group. Members held their meeting first.
Evolution of an Icon
This presentation “Evolution of an Icon” features historic and present-day images of Music Hall, highlighted by tales of the structure’s unique role in our city’s history.
While waiting for the presentation to begin, I wondered about the presentation. I’ve been involved with SPMH and Music Hall for 14 years, and researched, wrote and built the website. Along the way, I’ve learned a lot about Music Hall. What could I hear today that’s different?
Turns out – a lot! The presentation is entertaining, interesting and well written. Overall, there’s lots to tell about the history of Music Hall, but the talk easily flows throughout the decades.
SPMH Volunteers
Dennis Pratte, the SPMH Program Guide delivering the narrative, was quite engaging. He described events and told stories not as a lecture, but as someone sharing interesting details about a familiar friend.
Dennis had my attention, and kept the audience’s attention, throughout.
With him was Sue Monteith, a relatively new volunteer. She was shadowing Dennis, introduced him, and talked up SPMH.
Both are “Program Guides”—SPMH volunteers who assist the organization in fulfilling its mission to preserve and improve Music Hall, and to promote and provide education about this historic structure. The Guides present programs on Music Hall history and on the most recent renovations that occurred at Music Hall.
Another talk that’s available is on the Albee Mighty Wurlitzer Organ, and there’s “Music Hall 360” which gives an around-the-building view of the architecture and describes the hall’s evolution.
Each of the talks in the SPMH Speakers Series has also been “translated” into an actual walking tour! Most tours occur within the walls of the building. The “Music Hall 360” Walking Tour is a spring-summer-fall outdoor event.
Interested? Here are Next Steps
If your organization is interested in one of the SPMH “Virtual Tours”—or a walking tour—please contact SPMH by email: or by phone (513) 744-3293.
Have a talent for storytelling and a desire to give back to your community through nonprofit work? You can apply online today to become an SPMH volunteer.
Tour dates for January 2018 are online, and ready for you to sign up!
Joanne Grueter
My husband and I took a tour last weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it! Our tour leaders, Fred and Dale, were very pleasant, informative and welcomed everyone’s questions. We look forward to taking the Music Hall 360 tour in the spring.
Debbie, thank you! We’re delighted you enjoyed the tour.