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SPMH and Cincinnati Music Hall

For over 30 years, The Society for the Preservation of Music Hall (SPMH) has worked to fulfill its mission: to preserve, improve, promote, and provide education about Cincinnati Music Hall.

SPMH is a volunteer-driven organization, whose vision is to perpetuate Music Hall as the premier cultural center of the region, and as a National Historic Landmark of international significance.

To promote and provide education about Music Hall, the Board of Directors has established a volunteer corps. These passionate individuals help tell the story of Music Hall, through guided tours—both indoor and outdoor. They also go out into the community and present “virtual” tours to groups and organizations.

SPMH has also created a standards-based, arts and history education product about Music Hall for grades 3-to-5.

In its largest project to date—through member support and an endowment from Mrs. Patricia Corbett—SPMH contributed over $5 million toward the recent revitalization of the structure. The organization is working to continue restoration as needed, with an eye toward replacing finials and cresting that were part of the original Hannaford design.

This video, created by Steve Zugelter at Zoogmedia, is the story about SPMH’s contributions to the revitalization of Cincinnati Music Hall.